How to make time for a workout…even with a new baby!

Have you ever said “I don’t have time to work out?” Well, the reality is moms are all very busy. Whether you’re a SAHM, working mom or a Mompreneur who juggles an Etsy shop during nap time, one thing is clear – time for ourselves is limited. But no matter your situation, finding time in your day to workout is vital!

How to make time for a workout...even with a new baby!

Here are a few reasons why you should workout:

  • It will increase your self esteem and if anyone knows about the pitfalls of low self esteem it’s a mom. You’re at home getting sucked into wearing yoga pants all day long and learning to just live with the constant state of “smear” on your shirt  you are hoping is just a little baby spit up. All the while hoping you don’t run into anyone you know “looking like that”. Yeah, it can start to make you feel less than awesome about yourself. Working out and doing something good for yourself will increase endorphins and your overall self esteem.
  • It will decrease cortisol in your body, which will reduce your stress.
  • It can improve your sleep (even if the quantity of your sleep isn’t what you’d hope it would be).
  • It can decrease the postpartum monster.

But how do you fit it in a workout?

First, let go of the idea that fitness has to be an hour of a Jillian Michaels (whom I hate), especially a workout where you need to be dripping in sweat and having someone scream at you. Forget the idea of “insanity” or p90x unless you are really motivated to do these at night or early morning while hubs takes care of baby. But if you aren’t please let go of these ideas.

Second, focus on small goals. Your goal is to fit in small pockets of fitness throughout the day that work the muscle hard, increase your muscular strength,  your range of motion and your endurance.  All of your house can become a gym! The kitchen sink becomes a place for push ups, the ottoman becomes a place to do squats and dips. Get a beach towel out for abs on the floor!

Third, you can incorporate your baby into your workout too. Lay him on his back and kneel down to do push ups. You can even give him kisses on each of his cheeks, he’ll love that! This is great for mommy baby bonding time. You can also hold him close to your body and do squats or lunges.

Lastly, focus less on the measurable results and more on the feeling you have when you workout. It is a complete myth that we workout for weight loss – okay, well it is a nice symptom but it shouldn’t be the reason. Your workout is for overall well being, to increase your endorphins, increase muscle tone, decrease your blood pressure and  decrease cholesterol.  Weight loss will come in time, but don’t finish a workout and then hop on the scale and think “Am I skinny yet?”

I've been dieting all morning...Am I skinny yet?

Here is a sample workout for you to try:
When your baby wakes up – change, feed and dress him. Then lay him on his back and get in a few push ups. Do as many as you can until either baby fusses or your arms give out… How many can you get in – 30? 40?

Head out with the stroller and on your way out the door drop into walking lunges. How far can you go?

Is the baby napping? Before you do anything, get your abs workout in – crunches x20, reverse crunches x20 and plank holds for 30 seconds.

Be creative and fit in mini workouts wherever you can!


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PURE Sports, Fitness and Therapy



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PURE Fitness' goal is to educate the general population and athletes on what fitness really is, and how to accomplish your fitness goals. PURE Fitness offers high-end, quality group personal training that is affordable for everyone, no matter what their stage of fitness. We provide a fitness and wellness studio where clients receive the best service, wellness, health and fitness care this county has to offer.

7 thoughts on “How to make time for a workout…even with a new baby!

  • March 5, 2013 at 1:21 pm

    Good tips. I think it is a lot easier to work out with a new baby than with a toddler in the house. I cant do yoga without him climbing on me….which really takes the level of difficulty up a notch :)

  • March 6, 2013 at 1:39 pm

    I’m still working on stealing enough time to work-out when hubby is deployed and I’m alone at home! :) The dogs are my best motivator surprisingly (My malamute is a puller so when we run together and I feel like stopping he keeps me going! I get to kind of ‘coast’ a bit! Lol!)

  • March 6, 2013 at 3:58 pm

    Hee,hee. I feel the same about Jillian. How anybody finds that motivational is beyond me!

  • March 7, 2013 at 3:21 am

    Very good tips, thank you so much.

  • March 10, 2013 at 5:59 pm

    Very good tips and you raise some valid points, I wish I had taken more advantage of the time I had to do this before my sons became mobile

  • March 11, 2013 at 6:49 pm

    I have 5 kids 4 and under in my house Monday thru Friday, 6am-6pm. We do Yoga together! :)

  • March 12, 2013 at 7:18 am

    Thanks ladies! @Sam Dock, I will be posting soon on how to fit it in with a toddler, and multiple kids! Keep up the hard work friends!

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