Weekly Journal Prompts: #7

Weekly Journal Prompt - Need inspiration for your journal? Follow these prompts!

Last week we talked about what you would like to stay the same in you life. Somethings just work and there’s no reason the change them! This week I want to look into the future a bit. Whether you have babies and toddlers, elementary age kids, or even teenagers your kids can drive you crazy daily but there’s always a moment when you look at them and think “I can’t believe how big they’re getting!” or “I miss when they did (insert adorable kid stuff here)”.

When your kids are grown, what will you miss?

This week I’m going to write down all of those moments when my kids did cute or funny things that made my heart melt. All the times when they told me how much they loved me, or that I was the bestest mom ever ever for always. This is a list that you can look back on when the days come where they no longer want to snuggle on the couch, or just want to hang out with their friends. This can be a progressive list you can add to as they grow, so leave a couple of blank pages in your journal.

Memories aren’t always fresh in our minds, especially as we grow older. I look back at baby pictures and am reminded of so many things that they used to do or say. That’s one of the reasons I print pictures regularly. I know most people are used to digital pictures on our computers, or on our phones but I highly encourage you to print those out! You’ll be amazed at how many you forgot about.

I am using these weekly prompts to reach my goal of self-discovery and making the events and actions in my daily life more intentional. My intention in sharing them is to hopefully inspire you to keep journaling, or to find your own path!

You can view all of my journal prompts here: Weekly Journal Prompts

Journaling Basics Series:

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Monika is a mom to 3 little lovebugs. She loves to laugh, write, craft, play and try new DIY projects. She started Life With Lovebugs as a way to share all of her household tips, recipes and playtime activities with other moms.

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