Weekly Journal Prompts: #8

Weekly Journal Prompt - Need inspiration for your journal? Follow these prompts!

Last week we talked about what you will miss when your kids are grown. Sometimes with the hustle and bustle that is parenting, we forget to really look at all of those sweet little moments our kids give us. This week, with spring just right around the corner you might be thinking about how to give your house a good deep clean to loosen up the cobwebs and dust that settled during winter. But what about your life? Did you settle into bad habits and negative thoughts during those cold winter months?

How can you spring clean your personal life?

Earlier this year I wrote an article about how to manage the winter blues. Living in California my entire life I never knew what the winter blues were. But now here in Texas, the winter has been colder and very grey. Lots and lots of clouds, with just a peak of sunshine if we’re lucky. This has made my motivation go into hibernation and my spirits seem to have fallen asleep right alongside Rip Van Winkle.

We had one warm and sunny day this past week and it got me thinking about how much my mood changes when the weather is nice. Even though we’re back to cloudy skies, this week I want to write down all of the aspects of my daily life that have soured during these winter months. All of the bad habits and setbacks to my motivation. Then I’ll write down a few ways that I can get back on a path to happiness and success.

I am using these weekly prompts to reach my goal of self-discovery and making the events and actions in my daily life more intentional. My intention in sharing them is to hopefully inspire you to keep journaling, or to find your own path!

You can view all of my journal prompts here: Weekly Journal Prompts

Journaling Basics Series:

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Monika is a mom to 3 little lovebugs. She loves to laugh, write, craft, play and try new DIY projects. She started Life With Lovebugs as a way to share all of her household tips, recipes and playtime activities with other moms.

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